background picture with networks
Module 4 | Lesson 8

Visit the past

You desperately know that you coded something wonderful a few days ago, but you deleted it since then. 😔

Fear not! Thanks to Git, you can revisit any of the changes you've made since the creation of your repository.

Members only
3 minutes read

Solution 1️⃣: history in Github

On GitHub, a repository showcases all the files and folders available.

Additionally, you'll notice a small xxx Commits button at the top right:

Button showing the list of commits in Github

Click on this button to have a list of all the commits in a repo

Clicking on it will reveal a list of all the commits made in this repository. Selecting a specific commit will display something like this:

Commit diff in Github

Click on this button to have a list of all the commits in a repo

That's incredibly powerful!

background picture with networks
Productive R Workflow

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