background picture with networks
Productive R Workflow

Course Complete! 🎉

You've reached the finish line of this course!

You now possess a solid foundation in coding best practices, have mastered Quarto for creating impressive reports, and can efficiently use Git and GitHub to share your work with others 🔥.

Now, check what's next!


Certificate of completion

To claim your certificate, you have to send me the URL of a github repository containing a Quarto report.

It can be the URL of the penguin project 👍!

I'll review it and send you the certificate.

More Quarto Tips

Quarto possibilities are endless.

Check my growing list of tips and tricks to push your report to the next level!

Browse Quarto tricks


I invested several months of my life into this course!

If you enjoyed it, I would greatly appreciate a few words about it!

Your feedback means the world to me!.

❤️ ❤️ ❤️

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Share your success

Great job completing this course! By now, your quarto report should be published online.

Now is the perfect moment to share it on Discord! You'll receive feedback from me and fellow students, motivating you to push further and inspire others!

Share your work!

Ask Questions

A question about the course? A bug report?

Even better: How about requesting a new lesson? I'm eager to hear your thoughts and continuously improve the course.

Drop me a message at or ask it on Discord.

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🎉 100 half-price seats available — 3 left! 🔥