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🎁 Bonus #2

Parameterized Reports

Imagine you need to generate 100 reports, one for each group of your dataset.

Manually creating and running 100 separate .qmd files isn't ideal. Fortunately, there's a more efficient solution: parameterized reports.

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6 minutes read

🎁 Problem: You need to create hundred reports

In data science, it's common to run the same analysis across multiple groups, time frames, or parameters to test various hypotheses.

Creating numerous .qmd files for each scenario can quickly become a nightmare. Just imagine having to manually update each file for a simple modification!

Managing four Quarto reports for the same analysis across different groups is inefficient, repetitive, and increases the risk of errors.

Managing four Quarto reports for the same analysis across different groups is inefficient, repetitive, and increases the risk of errors.

πŸͺ„ Solution: Parameterized Reports

A parameterized report is designed to accept parameters and use them to generate its content.

For example, you can create a QMD file that takes a currency name as a parameter. When you knit the document, you pass the currency name to Quarto, and it will be dynamically used throughout the text, titles, and code to perform actions like filtering the dataset for that specific currency.

Parameterized reports allow you to use a single QMD file to generate reports for each group, simplifying the process and improving efficiency.

Parameterized reports allow you to use a single QMD file to generate reports for each group, simplifying the process and improving efficiency.

You can then set up a loop to call the report for multiple currencies and produce multiple separate reports, each tailored to a different currency.

β†’ Here's how to do it:

1️⃣ Add a parameter in the YAML header

You can use the params option in the YAML header to pass one or several parameters. Each parameter has a name (crypto below) and a default value (bitcoin below).

  crypto: "bitcoin"

2️⃣ Use the parameter in the report

You can use it:

Here is an abstract of a QMD file that uses parameters

# Getting data

The `r params$crypto` price can be fetched as follow:


# Construct the API URL: root URL + currency name provided as parameter
url <- paste0(


3️⃣ Render the report & provide the parameter

Now, we need to knit the report once for each currency to generate the HTML files. This is made possible using the quarto_render() R function, which works as follows:

  input = "report.qmd",
  output_file = "report_bitcoin.html ,
  execute_params = list(crypto = "bitcoin")

  input = "report.qmd",
  output_file = "report_etherum.html ,
  execute_params = list(crypto = "etherum")

Here's the breakdown:

πŸ”₯ Pro Tips

πŸ” Create a loop

If you have many groups to handle, avoid writing quarto_render() multiple times. Instead, use a loop:

cryptos <- c("bitcoin", "ethereum", "ripple", "litecoin", "cardano")

for (crypto in cryptos) {
    input = "report.qmd",
    output_file = paste0("report_" , crypto , ".html"),
    execute_params = list(crypto = crypto)

πŸ“Š Highlight a group in a chart

It's common in parameterized reports to highlight the specific group targeted by the report on a chart.

This might seem tricky at first, but the solution is to add an extra column that is FALSE for all groups except the target group. Then, use this column in the color argument of ggplot2.

A graph with 2 groups highlighted

A ggplot2 graph with 2 groups highlighted

I wrote an extensive tutorial in the R graph gallery. Give it a look!

ggplot2 tutorial

Full Example

I've build a full example to illustrate how this currency project ends up.

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