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Module 1 | Lesson 5

Ditch setwd() - Use RStudio projects

RStudio projects make it straightforward to make your data analysis isolated in its own working environment.

Each project will have its own working directory, workspace and source documents.

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9 minutes read

Problem: the setwd() nightmare

When you are working with R, your code run in a folder called the current directory.

This is the folder in which R looks for files. You can check what's the current directory with the following command:


# -> /Users/holtzy/Desktop/

Give it a go!

Type the above command in your R console.

You can decide what directory to work in, and then read a file in this directory. It often looks like this:

# Set the working directory

# Ask R to read a file that is located in this directory
data <- read.csv("data.csv")

It works!

But then perhaps you want to move your project folder from Desktop to Document. Or somebody else wants to run your code on his machine?

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Productive R Workflow

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