background picture with networks
Module 1 | Lesson 3

Automatic formatting with {styler}

Good coding style is like correct punctuation: you can manage without it, butitsuremakesthingseasiertoread.

This lesson outlines key best practices and introduces a tool for automating their application to your code.

Members only
9 minutes read

Code formatting: why?

Code formatting might seem like a cosmetic aspect of coding, but it's much more. It's about making code readable, maintainable, and standardizing a style across teams and projects.

If a coworker comes to your desk with a code chunk looking like this, what is your first thought?

cleaNDatA = data %>%
  rename(ID = 1,Name = 2     ,Age = 3) %>%
    mutate(Age=ifelse(Age < 0, NA,     Age)) %>% drop_na() %>%
      mutate(Age =       as.integer(Age)) %>%

😳 Confusing isn't it?

While we could write code without adhering to a format, doing so makes understanding and working with the code unnecessarily difficult.

background picture with networks
Productive R Workflow

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